Hopestead Studios
Westminster, Vermont
Handmade by Anya Bredbeck
Artwork and goods made by hand with great care; copper and crystals, leaves and leather, candles and block prints.
Things of beauty large and small.
“Finding words to talk about my work in some ways seems a complete irony; if I had the words for my paintings they would be books filled with words instead of canvases smeared with paint. They would be fat, dog-eared books too- stashed in a back room of an antiquated book store- waiting on a worn table next to a fast cooling cup of tea (with too much cream and too much sugar). They would be surrounded by delicate terrariums and bones in front of a hearth with a hanging copper kettle. They would be present at births and deaths, like women and witches and priests. They would be love notes to the future, written on the back of a 7-11 receipt in a teenager’s pocket. They would be cheap romance novels hidden in a pocketbook on a moving train. If my paintings were words, they would be scribbled on walls in crayon, like the signature of a child drunk on learning to write their own name.
- Anya Bredbeck