Welcome to the online home of the Brattleboro Flea!

Thank you for being here!

As the founder and organizer of the Brattleboro Flea (formerly Main Street Flea) I am delighted to introduce you to the incredible collective that has grown up around us in the past 6 years.

We began the Flea as an experimental pop-up shop in an empty storefront in downtown Brattleboro, Vermont for one weekend in December of 2017. It was wild … we were truly flying by the seat of our pants — but the success of that market, and the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community proved to us that downtown Brattleboro needed an accessible venue for artists and makers at all stages. With lots of effort and much trial and error, we refined and improved our processes which enabled us to grow and put on many more markets throughout the years—our October, 2021 market at Gallery Walk was the 13th Flea we have produced! The Flea continues to expand and evolve and I am endlessly grateful for all those that have helped us get to where we are—primarily, the many talented vendors who continue to participate and share their talents with our community.